Have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE paper?
I think it started when I was a child and would go to the 5 and 10 ¢ store with my grandmother. She got her hairnets there ... the old fashioned kind that elderly women used to wear. And stockings. The kind you wore with a garter belt, or in my grandmother's case, a girdle. Like the one below.
Wow - those days are gone.

Anyway, in that store I would always wander over to the stationery section of the store. And if I had any extra money, I would come home with some type of paper product. I especially liked the 'rent receipt' pads with the carbon (for duplicate) paper between the forms. I know - weird kid.
Needless to say, this fascination with paper has remained. And so, when the Jakester took me to Xpedx this week, I got the most wonderful linen cardstock and envelopes! I still cannot believe that I spent $65 on
paper ~ when I stop to think of what $2 would have gotten me in the old 5 and 10 ¢ store!
But here it is ... and I'm not sorry :) I have had a few orders for cards lately, and Xpedx has the best paper (and I do mean THE BEST) I have found anywhere.
It fits in pretty nicely, but I will have to "jazz up" the wrappers a little bit. The envelopes used to come in these pink boxes ~ might have to work on the color scheme again, huh?
I have also included a closeup of the selection. Still that weird kid!