Had totally good intentions on the weekly-update-to-blog promise … of course, I never counted on getting the crud that has been spreading like wildfire in these parts. At school on Tuesday, my throat felt weird – a hot from the inside, if that makes any sense. It quickly brought back memories of having bronchitis about 5 years ago. Same feeling. Gah. I knew the nurse practitioner was at school doing sports physicals, so went to hunt her down. No luck.
After school, the coughing began. Like out of nowhere. One minute I was fine (well, except for the throat) and the next it was as if an exorcist had invaded my lungs. Progressively got worse that night. Called in sick on Wednesday, and called doctor. They got me in that afternoon, and said it was a VIRUS. No drugs. Rest, liquids, fever reducer. The “rest” part was simple. I had no energy for anything except bed. Sleep, water, and tissues. Fast forward to Friday. Called the Dr again and said I was no better, and an added feature was a wicked earache. Oh, and a runny eye. What the heck with the eye? She decided to call in a Z-pack for me, which I was able to start late that night.
So here it is now Monday …and I am feeling WAY WAY better. Comparatively speaking. I am still coughing, but it isn't as uncontrollable as it was! Also, from what I have heard from everyone who has had this, the cough lasts a long time with this crap. What I would like to know is why I could not have had the damned Z-pack on Wednesday? Not like anyone did a VIRUS vs. INFECTION test ... do they just guess? I'm just glad to be feeling better. Who knows? Maybe it's all psychosomatic and I just began to feel better once I had the antibiotics in my hot little hands.
Oh, and since I will be laid off at the end of the school year (Thank you, Governor Cuomo), I need to use all of my sick and personal days … or lose them.